Wow turns 17!
Last week we celebrated Wow’s seventeenth birthday by sharing why we love working for Wow. We also thought we’d share some photos of when we were seventeen years old (at the bottom of the blog). Can you guess who’s who?
“Happy birthday, Wow!
Thank you to everyone for making Wow so wonderful. Working with you all, seeing how much you care and the positive impact that creates fills me with immense joy. Together, we’re building something really special, something we can all be very proud of. You really are amazing.
Special thanks to Paul for having the vision to start this, the courage to persevere, and a heart of gold. It’s been a magical journey so far with a great friend. I’m excited to see where it leads.”
“I love the vision of the founders, the clear purpose of the business, the continuous ambition to be better and to do more for our clients, and most importantly the lovely Wowees! It’s been a pleasure to work for Wow and to see the business grow and work alongside the fantastic individuals who have joined and helped that to happen! Happy birthday Wow! Here’s to the next 17 years Paul, Pete and everyone, Wow has evolved and changed so much, it will be exciting to be part of the years to come!”
“Ahh Happy Birthday Wow! If only we were in the office for a Birthday cake (I’m missing them!). I absolutely love working with you guys every day. A job isn’t just about what you do, it’s also who you work with. I love that we have fun in everything we do and no matter what, we are always there for each other. More this year than ever before and more than I could have ever imagined. Love you all!”
“My move to Wow was transformational. Working in a non-traditional accountancy firm has been so much fun. I love that we are part of the plan for the company and can be involved as much or as little as we want to be. I love the family first approach and the feeling that you really do care and take the time to demonstrate this. I love that through the values you have that our clients are part of the journey and are more than just clients. In my 7 years, I have seen so many positive changes and I look forward to the next 7 years. Happy Wow Anniversary Pete and Paul and thank you!”
“Happy Birthday Wow! Thank you to everyone for making it so fun, being so caring and for always being there. And thank you to Pete and Paul for being crazy enough to quit their jobs and start something that we have all connected within our time at Wow. Couldn’t imagine a better bunch of people to work with and be on this journey with.”
“Happy Birthday to Wow! Paul, Pete and everyone else that has made Wow such a great place to work. What a journey we have been on over these years and what a transformation the company has made. How we have all supported each other and our clients especially over the past year is a testament to the type of company we are and the culture that we have. I’m excited to see what’s still to come!”
“Back when I was 17 or 18 I could never have imagined being so engaged, involved, loyal or immersed by a ‘job’ or a company. Wow has absolutely 100% achieved that. The values, mission and purpose that Wow hold are incredible, and that allows us to deliver genuinely awesome service to our lovely clients. We should all be proud of the work that we do every single day, but particularly on days like today, I hope Paul & Pete can be immensely proud of what they’ve built and achieved over the last 17 years! I can’t wait to see where we’ll all be in another 17 years!!”
“Happy birthday Wow!
I’d like to say that 17 years ago I imagined it would end up like this. I didn’t. I could never have dreamt of the work we’d be doing or the people I’d be lucky to work with. I couldn’t imagine that so many people would clock up 10+ years at Wow Geoff, Kelly, Keith, Hannah and Tracey- and so many more 5+ years….and still keep growing – both as individuals and as an organisation.
Anyone who’s been at Wow for 5+ years (which is about half of us) will be able to tell you the transformation Wow has undergone in that time – especially culturally, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without Kelly and Hannah shaping that.
Thank you to everyone for trusting in Wow and what we stand for. Wow is what it is – and does what it does – because of the role each of us play as joint-stakeholders in something bigger than ourselves.
I know 17 years seems like a long time, but it really does feel like it’s just the beginning.
Special mention to Pete for being stupid enough to go along with the crazy idea I had that resulted in both of us chucking in our jobs to start Wow with nothing. Not one single client. Pete has been an incredibly loyal and tolerant friend, always positive, calm, enthusiastic, with a knack of making whatever we’re doing fun.”