Get your copy of the results of the UK’s largest survey of independent agency owners and gain insights to guide you through 2024 and beyond.

You'll be able to compare yourself against your peers in key areas: hourly rates, profitability, sales performance, and the latest trends impacting agencies. You'll also discover what the top performers do differently - insights that have the power to transform your performance.

Thanks to the large number of agencies participating in BenchPress, we’re releasing three separate reports. Each has a version for agencies with a turnover of over/under £1m. See the report topics below.


State of the Agency Nation


A review of 2023 - growth rates, confidence, challenges, profit, remuneration, and staff changes. Plus the key metrics for 2024, including the latest hourly rates and cash balances.


Winning New Business


An analysis of the time and money spent on new business, what works (and what doesn’t), the technology used, conversion rates, plus the levers to pull to win more new business.

Maximising Your Agency's Value


The key ingredients of a highly valuable agency (and how you can increase what your agency is worth). Plus, what people look for first when assessing whether to buy an agency.


Download all the 2021 reports

Download the latest reports

Fill in the form below and we’ll send you links to all of the reports we've published this year.

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About BenchPress

In 2012, we began our agency benchmarking report – BenchPress. The aim was simple; to take an accurate snapshot of agency life in the UK and to share insight and analysis with ambitious agency owners. 

BenchPress has grown to become the largest survey of UK independent agency owners and is a great way to benchmark yourself against your peers. 




We love working with agencies

In this fast-moving, digital world, many agencies focus on short-term results driven solely by return on investment at the expense of their people, their customers, and even themselves.

We believe there is another way. We believe profit and sustainability should be at the heart of growing an agency.

We’ve worked with hundreds of agencies over the years, typically those with between 8-80 staff. We love providing agency owners with insights and best practices so they can make better decisions.

Get six months free hosting with Krystal

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We've partnered with Krystal to give agencies ultra-fast hosting that runs on 100% renewable energy. Offer applies to pay monthly plans. Learn more.