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Build a business that works without you - The Wow Company

Written by Gayatri Wood | 01-Jul-2019 14:27:45

Many people still believe that working long hours and not taking holidays is a recipe for success. In this webinar, we share the latest research that challenges this myth.

Working longer hours alongside not taking regular holidays leads to poor mental performance, increased chances of mistakes being made, and decreased productivity. It also sets a bad example for your team as to how they should work to be seen as successful in their role.

What the research tells us

According to a 2014 study for the Institute for Labour Economics, productivity drops after the 35th hour of weekly work. Yet, since 2011, decades of falling hours went into reverse and the UK started working longer again.

Our research, support this. There’s a strong correlation between taking regular breaks and mental resilience. In fact, business owners who haven’t taken time out of the business were five times more likely to experience uncontrollable worry than those who have.

What we cover

We share practical tips to enable you to have a plan in place to build a business that works without you. We look at what you need to have in place so your business runs smoothly without you and what benefits it will create.

Watch the webinar